Thursday, April 17, 2008

Blog 5

Back again, after another awesome weekend!!

So first we'll examine the lecture. We talked about the history of the computer and the internet. We started with a video about the history of codes. It was fascinating learning about how codes were used when the Nazi were about. We also watched a clip based on what happens when files are on the Internet. I enjoyed this basic video on how things are processed across the internet.

Early Computer Origins
A few people were discusses in yesterday’s lecture which directly influence computer orihins. They are:
Charles Babbage- designed computer to calculate and print mathematical tables
Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace- designed a computer to play music
Alan Turning- wrote a paper on “The computer of Numbers”, also devised the first working computer The Bombe which was used to break German enigma codes
Computers were first commercially produced by IBM in the 1950s

The following are all computer devices which came about over history…..
Xerox- a photocopier produced in the 1970’s
Apple- home brew meetings, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak produced this primitive machine with no keyboard in the
IPM & Mircrosoft- IPM were not sure if they could produce results, as they did not have the software to do this (the hardware was not a problem). Decided to buy software from Bill Gates (Microsoft). Apple started to slide.

Modern Computer Uses
This is what you and I probably are most familiar with, being the new “computer generation” If you’re not then you are way behind my time!!!

The Internet
The internet is a network of networks. It uses servers, mainframes and personal computers that use CMC and are connected by a phone line or broadband. The idea of the Internet came from RAND Corporation in the 1960s.

****The Internet is not the same as the World Wide Web!!!!!
I bet you didn’t know that!!

World Wide Web (www)
The Web is one particular use of the Internet which came about in the 1990s as people began to see the potential of communicating with other people.

Cyberspace is the interconnection of reality and imagination, including hardware, software and logic assembly of silicon and electricity on your desk.

Early Internet Applications

Electronic Mail (Email)
So we all know what email is right? Well basically it is an electronic system which sends documents form one sender to the other. EASY!!

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
This is just a system which allows us to download onto your computer with minimum requirements.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
This is just a chat system which was popular in the 1990’s- it was the first chat system we used in real time which saw people typing to each other!

MUDs, MOOs, MUSHes, etc.
These are just variants on programs which are referred to as MUDS- online battle games, think dragons and medieval times!!!!

Some more recent applications that I am definitely familiar with are Instant Messenger, Peer-to-Peer file sharing, portable audio and voice chat!

So basically in the lecture we learnt a lot of real terms and discussed where all of these technologies fit in.

Today’s tutorial task was based on Wikipedia.

Article One

This article was based on London including its history, the number of airports present in the area, its population and what lifestyle its society lives. It was an accurate article and gave me an insight into London. It covers all basic facts about the area, and does follow the guidelines for a usefull article. It provides colourful pictures and explanations on important places. It is not biased at all as it just gives the facts about London. I would probably include some information for tourists, as I intented to actually read about things to do in London.

Article Two
This article was very useful in giving an insight into anyone who does not know who Britney Spears is. It states her Birth and childhood, her albums and release years, her children, marriage and even how her personal life has received so much media attention since her split from her husband. This article is very accurate and does cover all basic facts that you would need to know to understand a part of her life. I believe it does follow Wikipedia guidelines. I though this article would be biased in that Britney has received so much negative press, but it does not once mention that, rather saying she has received a lot of media attention due to her personal life. If I were to make changes I would probably just include more information on her including all her hits.

So that concludes my tutorial task for this week.
I am still in the process of working on Perez Hilton's status. i have decided to alter my topic in saying "Perez Hilton. Blogger or Journalist?"
I have planned to explore his journalistic qualities and how this helps him to write a blog. He still is a blogger however, as he does not have the requirements to be called a journalist. One of my main points will be his experience with interviewing, daily writing and reporting, which are all journlaistic factors.
Hopefully you will see some more progress next week!!!!!
Chat soon Ya'll

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