Thursday, March 20, 2008

Blog 2

So we began the daunting task of watching Alphaville. I had no idea what to expect. The closest movie I had heard of that sounded like Alphaville was Alphie- a movie about a serial womaniser. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong in my initial comparison. Alphaville began as a black and white 1960's movie in French and German. Although there were subtitles, I found it hard to keep up with the content. Even now, after watching it, I cannot exactly describe what it was about. The main character kept moving around the town Alphaville in different scenarios with girls after sex and men after money. The whole movie was based on a futuristic feel from 1965. If we watched this movie in 1965 when it was released, I’m sure we would have been amazed by the new technologies and modern buildings presented to us in the movie.

The only relevance I can see that this movie could have with New Comm. Tech is the fact that we can observe just how much technologies have improved. Alphaville did not appear to be digitally altered, and no special effects were used. It is obvious that after 50 years, society has come along way in their technologies.

The task for today was to add class mates to our blog page. After discussing how to do this with Courtney and Alyce, we all managed to add people to out mate list.

How do I use new communication technologies to communicate with my friends and family?
I often use hotmail, MySpace and Facebook, to communicate with friends and family. I find these types of websites and networking sites convenient and easy to use. People from anywhere around the world can check out your photos from the weekend, and find out how I am.
Although I don't chat with random people I don't know, I have added people who I will be travelling with to Europe in July on Facebook. One of my fellow travellers set up a network for just us travellers so we could all meet and check out each other's photos and information about themselves. The difference between these people and my friends is just that- I don't consider them my friends just yet. They are people I know of and will get to know more when I meet them in person. I probably started using these networks in my later years of high school mostly as a way of keeping up to date with high school friends. I don't add people I don’t know on MySpace and Facebook and keep my profiles on private to deal with my privacy issues.

The readings for this week started with a screen and media study piece. Throughout this piece I read how techniques such as silence, volume, music and special effects all affect the sound of the film. The image is affected by framing, composition, depth and lighting, whilst the movement is affected by zooming and tilting. The final step of the film is editing. After completing Communication Practices last semester, I have observed most of these elements when presenting my piece to camera.
I also read some reviews on Alphaville and information on the French New Wave. The French New Wave started in the 1950’s when a younger generation of film producers introduced many new techniques and technologies to the film making processes.

Well, I'm off to start my extended Easter break now....
Laters Skaters....
Leish xx