Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blog 9

Well, for the last couple of weeks, we have had no blogging tasks, so I'm just going to do my own exam revision.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Perez- Blogger or Journalist?

Perez Hilton is making his mark on the world. Even if you haven’t heard of the proclaimed entertainer, he is sure to draw an interest from you. Firstly we will examine Perez as a person. His education, talents and setbacks are sure to amaze you from the beginning. Secondly, we will focus on the qualities of a blogger, exploring Hilton’s own blog. Following that, the characteristics of a journalist will be explored. Further more, we will examine what journalists do and how they report in today’s society. Does Perez fall under this category as well? Lastly, we will focus on how a journalist and a blogger differ, drawing from Perez’s own lifestyle and experience.

So exactly who is Perez Hilton? Perez is actually Mario Lavandeira and was born on the 23rd of March 1978, in Miami, Florida, USA (IMDb 2008). He studied at New York University and received an honours on graduation (IGN 2008), and later studied at the Tisch school of Arts and received a B.F.A in drama (IGN 2008). Early on, Lavandeira worked as a freelance journalist for gay publications. (Paper Publishing Company 2008). Lavandeira started his own celebrity gossip blog in 2004, called Pagesixsixsix, a take on the famous gossip column on page six in the New York Post (IGN Entertainment 2008). According to IGN Entertainment (2008), it wasn’t too long before the blog earned a reputation “of being Hollywood’s most hated website.” In turn, The New York post sued Lavandeira, making him change his blog name (IGN Entertainment 2008). It’s not hard to work out where his name was derived from. Lavandeira came up with the idea of Perez Hilton, a fictitious cousin of the infamous socialite Paris Hilton, to replace Pagesixsixsix (Paper Publishing Company 2008). He has since reaped the benefits’ of using such a blogging name as Perez Hilton.

Blogging is fast becoming a popular media outlet. Blogging can be described as a webpage produced online by individuals where anyone can add their ideas and thoughts (Passante, 2007: 231). And you don’t have to have any qualifications to start a blog. According to Crucial Marketing (2007), a blog is “a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.” Anyone can write about anything on a blog, however, to be credible, the individual must be established and have readers (Passante, 2007:234). Perez first set up his Hollywood gossip blog in late 2005. Perez first hit success when he produced the first pictures of power couple Brad and Angelina (IGN Entertainment 2008). Since then, he has achieved world wide success. According to Elizabeth Day (2007), Perez’s website is “an indefinable mishmash of exclusive celebrity gossip, acerbic put-downs and precisely targeted humiliation, which now has 2.6 million visitors a month.” Quite good considering he started out with an ordinary blog. But where does journalism fit in with this entertainer we know as Perez?

Journalism is a big part of today’s society. But exactly what they do is another issue. According to editor Allan R. Andrew (1997), “a journalist combines a sense of curiosity, civic concern, idealism, a love of words, and a craftsman's attention to detail in trying to chronicle human activity in the everyday world.” But this definition cannot stand alone. Journalists also create debates and forums whilst keeping the public informed on current issues (Conley 2002: 8). According to Jane Johnston (1997: 16), it is the media’s job to inform, entertain and act as watchdogs over issues involving society. Journalists communicate with society by conveying a message through words spoken or written and pictures (Pelusey et al 2005: 4). It appears that Perez does this quite successfully on his blog. He has knowledge of the basic law system which journalists must be aware of (Pearson 1997:7). Journalists should also have core values including accuracy, fairness and balance, reflecting the diversity of the reader, reporting with an open mind and committing to their reader (Committee of Concerned Journalists 2008). According to the Committee of Concerned Journalists (2008) “the journalist should be a provider of reliable, verified, true information- even a seeker of truth.” So it can be said that a journalist is a conveyer of reliable information to the public. But not anyone can be called a journalist. A degree will get you in the door, but no training program alone will create a successful journalist (Conley 2005: 8). A journalist must educate oneself, study and not just read newspapers, and not have an interest in a current affairs, but a curiosity that expands outside the boundaries (Conley 2005: 8). As Conley (2005:8) stated “journalists aspire to become a fly on the wall.” So Perez has the second quality that Conley suggested. The fact that he educates himself and directs his curiosity outside newspapers and current affairs. Although Perez has completed university, it has never been stated anywhere that he completed a journalism degree. Therefore, Perez has some of he qualities of a journalism, but cannot be called a journalist alone.

Journalism and Blogging have some similarities, however they also differ greatly from each other. It can be said that Blogging will be the way of the future. Journalists not only have to worry about other reporters gathering their scopes before them, but for average people who happen to be in the right place at the right time breaking their news on their own personal blogs (Passante 2007: 234). According to Christopher Passante (2007: 233), “blogs are not just becoming popular- they are changing the way journalists gather news.” So are journalists starting to depend more and more on blogs? It seems that way. Perez is said to have stated on, Inc. (2008), “I used to be an actor, I used to be a journalist and I used to be a publicist. I know how all these people think.” It seems that Perez has gathered qualities from bloggers and journalists to create an image of an entertainer, by which he swears by. Perez was quoted on Paper Publishing Company (2008), “I like to call myself an entertainer. The way I present my website is as a form of entertainment.” Even though Perez likes to be called an entertainer, he still really is a blogger. He has the characteristics and experience of a journalist and qualities of a blogger, but when it comes down to it, he created a blog. A blog to do one thing- blog about the lives of celebrities.

Mario Lavandeira , or as we like to know him as, Perez Hilton is typically a blogger. He posts his ideas and thoughts on a web blog, along with millions of other everyday people of society. He does however, have many characteristics of a journalist, including his wide sense of curiosity, concern for the world, love of words and pictures and attention to providing the latest information from around the world. Even though it’s hard to clearly distinguish if Perez is a blogger or a journalist, one thing is for sure- Perez Hilton is definitely proving to be a world wide phenomenon, accomplishing renowned success.

Andrews, Allan (1997) Just what is a journalist? Text (accessed 3 May 2008)

Committee of Concerned Journalists (2008) What is Journalism? Who is a Journalist? Forum Summary Text (accessed 3 May 2008)

Conley, David (2002) The Daily Miracle Oxford University Press New York

Crucial Marketing (2007) Blog Text (accessed 4 May 2008)

Day, Elizabeth (2007) Perez Hilton - The internet's queen of mean Text,21985,22899596-5012974,00.html Herald Sun (accessed 4 May 2008)

IGN Entertainment (2008) Perez Hilton Text (accessed 2 May 2008), Inc. (2008) Mario Lavandeira Text (accessed 2 May 2008)

Johnston, Jane et al (1998) Your guide to a career in Journalism in Australia and New Zealand Allen & Unwin: St Leonards

Paper Publishing Company (2008) Perez Hilton Text (accessed 4 May 2008)

Passante, Christopher (2007) Journalism Penguin Group New York

Pearson, Mark (1997) The journalist’s guide to Media Law Allen &
Unwin: St Leonards

Pelusey, Michal, Pelusey, Jane (2005) The Media Newspapers Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd South Yarra

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blog 8

Hey All!
Well, we didn't have to do a blog today, but I thought I would just write a couple of points down from the lecture. So here it is ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Cyberpunk is a science fiction genre based in the possibilities inherent in computers, genetics, body modifications and corporate developments in the near future

-William Gibson is a US/Canadian writer whose fictional work has spawned a number of key concepts like 'cyberspace' and 'virtual reality'.

The Matrix pushed the limits of cyberpunk so it became like the bloated soap operas that it had originally scorned. Nevertherless it deals with philosophical issues at some depth

1. Technology and Mythology
2. Utopia and Dystopia
3. Cities as Machines
4. Technological change
5. Modernism to Postmodernism

New Media, Internet Studies and CyberCultural Studies
New medias include the Internet and various texts in the modern era

Well that's it- nice and short for today!
I have done my essay draft and am quite happy with it. Oviousely some more editing on my behalf and it will be excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chat soon lovelies xxxxx

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blog 7

Blog 7

So we are back again after an awesome long weekend.
Ok I’ll start with the lecture!

Are video games are waste of time?
Today we looked at how people have approached studying video games. We learnt that video game studying is actually a very important business.

Video Games Studies includes the following types of games: Arcade Games, Consoles, Computer Games, MUDs, MMOGs
Video Games have been working together with computer games since Spacewar was first developed in the mid-1960’s.

Approaching Video Games in an Academic Way: Some Theoretical Considerations include:
Media Effects and Games;
The Persistence of Effect;
Games and Utopia;

Thinking about video games as a new form of cultural practise...
In the same way we now think about old media like newspapers, radio, television, films...
What are some ways to approach thinking about games that might be unique to this genre?
Are there questions that are specific to video games that don't apply to any other form?

Narratology vs Ludology
Narratology is the study of video games from the perspective of them being stories or literary works.
Janet Murray who wrote the book 'Hamlet on the Holodeck' is a good example.
Ludology, is not concerned with the story elements of games but rather with the Game Play elements.

Obviousely, however there is more to video games then just the gameplayTechnical Sense- the term computer games has come to light.
Communication- Video games can be a means of communication; early video games contained elements out of movies however the act of actually playing the games was different.
Semiotics- Video Games can be viewed as a media.

However Video Games are just that- GAMES!!!!!!
Should we be studying the game or the player itself? Or should we balance both of them? Factors which come into consideration include:
Fun concept, design emphasis, are games virtual worlds?, what is real and what is virtual?

Tutorial Task

Microsoft Word

I found this exercise quite basic. I did however learn about mail merges which I did not know before. Most of the tasks I had learnt in high school computing, but it was refreshing doing it again. This software will definitely be useful to me if I were to work for a company which uses World.

Microsoft Excel
Again, I found this exercise basic as I had studied it during high school computing. It was good however, to refresh my brain since high school! I use Excel now to budget my finances. I love it. It is so easy to observe where the money is saving (or going) on one sheet of paper.

Well, I’m off to work on my assignment!!!!!
Chow xxxx